Burwood Brickworks

70 Middleborough Rd, Burwood East

Client Name
Frasers Property

Publicly listed Frasers Property have been have been at the forefront of residential, commercial and retail developments Internationally for decades.

As a preferred signage contractor we work with internal stakeholders and design agencies to bring project concepts to market. Burwood Brickworks combines residential and retail offerings on a huge scale. We have been involved from the outset supporting residential teams with fully equipped sales suites and development signage solutions.

Additionally, we have assisted the retail division with shopping centre branding and tenancy fit-out.

Signage Specification:

  • Sales suites
  • 3D illuminated LED letters
  • Development signage (Banner Poles / Billboards / Hoarding Banners)
  • Window, fabric and wall graphics
  • Wayfinding / Directional signage
  • Tenancy & shop fit out